
Say hello to Netizen, a theme with plenty of retro charm and a high impact, graphic look.


  • Set an announcement message that displays on the top of every page
  • Set the products per row: 1, 2, or 3 products on desktop and 1 or 2 products on mobile
  • Showcase categories with up to 2 banners on your home page - one banner will show at the top of the product list, and a second banner (if you choose to use it) will show midway down.
  • Customize the number of featured products  and categories on the home page
  • Set the number of products per page
  • Set your product list display to a grid or masonry layout
  • Show or hide sold out product options in the Product page dropdown menus
  • Up-sell by turning on “Related products” products on product detail pages
  • Link to your social network accounts in the footer
  • Show a search field in the shop sidebar navigation
  • Display store logo in the header
  • Set up to 2 colors to use as a background color for logo square backgrounds, category banners, cart, and hover cursor.
  • Announce promos and sales with the Welcome Image and Welcome Message
  • Add a lookbook or gallery to a specified custom page
  • Your shop logo and cart navigation stay with customers as they scroll for ease of navigation
  • Responsive and optimized for any type of mobile or desktop device



  • Upload a large, high resolution image for the Home page welcome image - 1000 pixel range or larger recommended
  • Use the Home page welcome message to advertise promotions, tell your company’s story, or simply say hi to your customers
  • Category banners use the first two categories you have set in your admin. If you want to adjust those, you can easily re-order your categories when editing any product.
  • Be consistent with your product image sizes, so the image thumbnails are presented on your page in a uniform grid - 1000 pixels or larger recommended
  • You can add a lookbook or gallery to a page by creating a Custom Page, giving it a title, and then entering that title into the Lookbook Page Name field. Then simply add your images to the Lookbook Images section.